Hummingbird Pro Plugin – Does It Improve Page Load Speed?

Hummingbird Pro Plugin – Does It Improve Page Load Speed?

WordPress Performance Plugin is needed to convert dynamic content to static content. Page Speed plugin promises to improve google ranking and caching. WPMU DEV Hummingbird is one such resource that has lot of features for caching, gzip compression and asset optimization. CSS, JS, HTML resources need to minified. Image optimization to get the right page…

How to Improve Web Page Speed – Test Conducted to See the Results (Case-Study)

How to Improve Web Page Speed – Test Conducted to See the Results (Case-Study)

Google has made it clear in 2010 itself, that page load time and website speed are important factors to rank high in SERPs. CSS Sprites, Caching, Image optimization, Web hosting play a major role in website load speed optimization. In June 2009, Amit Singhal and Matt Cutts, head of Google’s web spam team spoke about…