Can Cloudflare Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) Improve TTFB and FCP

Can Cloudflare Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) Improve TTFB and FCP

Static content pages load much faster than websites containing dynamic pages and visual elements. WordPress is a CMS used by the majority of blog owners. This constitutes PHP code and database queries. When a WordPress post is served to the visitor, it has to fetch resources from the server. The final front-end version of HTML…

How Does Cloudflare APO effect Core Web Vitals in PageSpeed Insights Test

How Does Cloudflare APO effect Core Web Vitals in PageSpeed Insights Test

The Core Web Vitals are important performance metrics from Google’s point of view. In May 2021, these are going to have an impact on search engine rankings. Search Console already provides a simple view to these metrics. PageSpeed Insights tool which relies on the LightHouse software from Google, indicates for traffic generating sites whether you…

Does Cloudflare Automatic Platform Optimization Improve Site Speed ?

Automatic Platform Optimization (APO) is a service from Cloudflare that boosts speed and performance of the entire site. The advantage of using this product is that all your content is served from their edge servers. Visitors see speedy sites when they visit your site. Typically free versions of Cloudflare CDN will only cache static content….