If you need to build a site in 2021, you need two things. Domain registration and Hosting. The common extensions for sites are .com, .org, .net, .info, .us, .uk and many other such TLDs. (Top-level domains).

Once you purchase the domain from the DNS (Domain Name Service) provider, you have to find the right server for all your needs. One of the best WordPress hosting in this competition of prices, configuration, support and resource is Rocket.net.

quick wordpress hosting 2021

What is WordPress Hosting?

WordPress is a CMS (Content Management System) and framework. It is where you place your content—mainly used for blogs. There are two types: WordPress.com and self-hosted WordPress. The first one is entirely free, and there is no need to register any domain. But you don’t get much search engine traffic.

Self-hosted WordPress hosting has different choices. You can use either Free, Shared, VPS, Dedicated, and managed WordPress hosting. PHP is used to build this system.

Generally, shared Hosting is less costly—the same server resources used among many WordPress site owners. The price is not that much. But at the same time, when traffic increases on other sites, your site uptime can reduce.

Also, when the visitors increase on your site at a particular time, the server can’t handle that. It is the same phenomenon as a single person carries weight. If you put in two baskets of 15kg, he can take. But when there are ten baskets, he will crumble!

Managed WordPress Hosting

Most people use managed WordPress hosting. It is where only WordPress sites reside, and no other related frameworks exist. It is a little costly than others. The technical team does all the configuration work.

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To install WordPress, you need some space to keep all the related files and folders. Also, there is a database at the back-end. On request, it can place the necessary information in the front end.

When a user visits your site through a browser or mobile, he is contacting your server host. For blogs, each post is a separate article. Then the hosting server will gather all the CSS, JS, and HTML, IMAGES, VIDEOS, and other files. The client (end-user) can then read the related information in an easily readable manner.

Only free software exists. But where will you install it?

Cheapest WordPress Hosting

For this, you need good and paid Hosting. However, there are cheap Hosting that provides free and shared hosting at significantly lower prices, the services also not that good. The best quality is when you pay the right price.

Technical support is also essential. When you have difficulties while installing, downtime, plugins, code errors, you need the right people to help you.

Up-to-date resources like DB and PHP versions are also necessary. Most WordPress sites use minor features called plugins. They have to be compatible with your WordPress version.

In recent days, WordPress and plugins have the option and advantage of automatically updating themselves. What if a deprecated plugin fails or is not compatible? You need to contact support.

Also, the WordPress dashboard has to be quick when you post something and do edit operations. Otherwise, when you post 5 to 10 posts each day, time is wasted on formatting and technical issues.

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Rocket.net – Fast WordPress Hosting

Keeping the above requirements in view, Rocket.net is providing different plans for WordPress hosting. The interface is simple and lightweight.

Cloudflare is a free CDN (content delivery network) service where it caches all your essential files to the nearest locations of your users. The blog pages displayed quickly.

If someone resides in Australia, then a server close to it will instantly load the blog articles and resources. Rocket.net supports it.

I have tested the trial version of the Business account, and it has all the features of healthy Hosting.

Robust Features: You can install a Self-hosted WordPress platform can be installed on Rocket.net. It is optimized and delivered by Cloudflare Enterprise. You can decide server location.

Server: If you want visitors from the US, then a US server would be of paramount importance. Even with Cloudflare, the server being close will produce good page speed results. Europe, Canada, Australia, Singapore kind of server locations are available.

Performance: You will get 2-3x better fast and secure performance compared to other Hosting. All the server locations are near local ISPs. It will result in speedier TTFB, lower latency, full-page caching, directly peered, and less complex layers of technology.

Security – The built-in CDN and WAF (web application firewall) will provide the necessary block to hackers, bots, and virus attacks. When your blog becomes popular, DDoS kind of attacks is common. Rocket.net takes care of security without your interference.

Site Installation: This is a breeze. You have to provide some WordPress admin credentials and the install path. Input the necessary CNAME and ALIAS records in your DNS provider. Then you are good to go.

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Plugins – Several essential plugins like OptinMonster, Akismet Anti-Spam, Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights, WP Mail SMTP, WPForms Lite, come pre-installed on installation.

Tech Support: The chat support may not be available all the time. But once you log in to your account, you can raise a ticket for your issues. Even in COVID-19 times, the support members answer your queries.


You can summarize the main features of Rocket.net into Easy, Fast, and Secure. The interface is without ads, unlike other Hosting. The Control Panel provided will give access to many features.

easy fast secure wordpress hosting

Experience support is the key. Only genuine members will answer your questions instead of bots. You can do free Migrations from one hosting to another by the tech support team. The hassle-free transfer of the site (including posts, pages, images, and database) gives you peace of mind.

Enterprise Cloudflare is $6000 worth. You get that free. The site will benefit from different edge servers all around the world and extra features. No knowledge of configuration is required. Even if you are using the Free or Pro versions, the Enterprise CDN will give an extra boost.

top wordpress hosting with edge servers

Malware protection and Automatic updates keep your WordPress site error-free and less prone to attacks.

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