One of the most important tasks of WordPress hosting is to DreamHost backup WordPress from time to time. There are different plugins and scripts that do this task. But if the hosting itself provides an automatic way to create daily, weekly and monthly backups of your site, it’d be great.
DreamHost is one such hosting that does this automatically. You can also create your own backups from time to time. It is one of the vital tasks of website maintenance. Unless you are so sure that your files or databases are not corrupted, you can rest in peace.
Why do you need WordPress site backup on DreamHost?
But many-a-times, you have pitfalls. Either a plugin corrupts your database. Or a malware eats into your content files making your whole site irreparable. In such cases, you can take the backup and download it to your computer, scan it and upload it back again. Even DreamHost can scan your websites for virus and malware.
But, if you want to know the changes done to your WordPress site on a daily basis, then creating a backup is one of the essential tasks. Automatic scripts can do it in DreamPress (DreamHost managed) hosting plans. It is useful for your SEO audit and checkup of your files.
DreamPress comes with quicker TTFB and core web vitals compared to the shared hosting plans. But the cost is also high. But if you want automatic daily backup without your initiative, then it is the only resort on DreamHost.
How to Manually Create a Backup of your Whole Account?
In the shared hosting plan, creating a backup of each user account or website is not possible. Also, there is no facility for daily backups. So if you want to create a backup of your website daily, then you need to manually create a full backup of your account.
First, you need to add domain and install WordPress on your DreamHost hosting.
It will include the user account files, databases and mailboxes.
- Go to Billing & Account > Manage Account
- On the right side, scroll through to see Back Up Your Account.
- Click the Create a Backup button.
It will create the backup of the whole account.
- Mail users appear like this:
- Databases appear like this:
- Users appear like this:
How to Restore a WordPress Site on DreamHost?
The shared hosting plan supports some kinds of backups different from the DreamPress plans. If you want to restore your site, from that kind of backup you can follow these steps.
- Domains > Manage Domains.
- On the right hand side, you see all your hosted domains.
- Click on Restore. Another page opens.
There are two backup options.
- Available backup dates
- Restore Options.
The sub-categories of available backup dates are like this.
- Get the most recent backup: usually 1 hour – 1 day old.
- Get a mid-range backup: usually 1 day – 2 weeks old.
- Get the oldest backup: usually 2 weeks old or more.
For the restore options, these are the sub-categories.
- Copy the backup files to /home/palxxx/diabetexxxx.org_TIMESTAMP
- Make the backup copy live and backup all the current live files to /home/palxxx/diabetxxxx.org_TIMESTAMP
How to Manually Create a DreamHost Backup of WordPress Site?
You can either use ftp clients like FileZilla or plugins like Updraft plus. Both have their own advantages. The first one takes a lot of time to download all the files. Also, DreamHost doesn’t support FTP for transfer of files, as it feels insecure.
You can use the SFTP method to backup your website to your local computer. For this, you just have to change the port to 22. Typically, FTP port requires 21. But it takes a lot of time to download small files. You are a waste of precious time, which can be used to do other migration tasks.
Save Time – Create backup manually on DreamHost
The best method to save time while creating a backup of your site contents is to archive them in zip, tar, gz etc. In this way it becomes smaller in size and also a bigger file. FileZilla is good at downloading large zip files quicker than individual files.
For an insidht into this hosting, read my DreamHost review about all its features, plans and speed.
Then you can upload this zip file to another host to migrate. Then unzip the contents on the Apache Nginx server using command line tools. It becomes easy to do that. In another tutorial we are going to see how to use putty in Windows, to zip the content of a WordPress website on DreamHost Apache shared hosting plan.