When you visit a website, the first thing you notice is how fast it loads. But if your site takes too long to load, you’re likely to start thinking that something is wrong with it. Slow website troubleshooting can be done with clear analytics and empirical tests.

In fact, many of us visit websites at home or on our phones over Wi-Fi connections that are blazing fast but often can’t handle the same amount of traffic as a faster connection would allow it can be frustrating to know what the problem is.

The good news is that there are many ways to diagnose and fix the issue. In this post, we’ll discuss how to troubleshoot a slow website so that you can get back on track with your online business! Slow WordPress panel is another issue which delays posting and adding images.

There are a few points we need to check in detail to view this issue.

Try using a web speed test.

If you’re wondering if your site is slow, the best place to start is with a web speed test.

There are many different tools and services available, so it’s worth comparing them before choosing one. A good place to start is from Google’s PageSpeed Insights tool or YSlow (for WordPress). Both are free and easy-to-use tools that can help you diagnose and fix any issues on your website so it loads quickly for visitors.

slow website troubleshooting using speed testing tools
Slow Website Troubleshooting - 6 Practical Tips to Fix Issue 5

Check for plugin conflicts.

Plugins can slow down your website, cause conflicts with other plugins and other code on your site, as well as conflict with other users of the same site. The easiest way to check for a potential plugin conflict is by using Google Chrome’s “Find in Page” function (by pressing F12).

This will show you all of the scripts running on each page of your website and let you know if any of them are interfering with another script or plugin.

If you see some or many different scripts running at once, it could be causing issues for some reason — maybe because they have conflicting functionality or because one was not optimized well enough when it was written by someone else before being put into use on this particular site instead of being optimized first (which could lead to slow load times).

Related Post :   LiteSpeed Cache + QUIC.cloud - Speed Up WordPress Site Performance
reduce plugin conflicts
Slow Website Troubleshooting - 6 Practical Tips to Fix Issue 6

Analyze your theme for speed issues.

  • Check the theme.
  • Check the template files.
  • Optimize images and other assets.
  • Check your code for performance issues, including: – Using static database queries instead of database calls whenever possible (e.g., using an image tag instead of calling get_the_image()) or using database-backed loops instead of string concatenation or duplication (e.g., preg_replace(‘/@[^\s]’ . $1 . ‘/’, ‘?’, $matches)); –

Using cache plugins like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache to improve performance; – Optimizing CSS for better performance by reducing unnecessary selectors and tags that don’t add value yet take space from other pages’ load times; – Using JavaScript techniques such as Unit Testing Frameworks like Jasmine and Mocha + Chai + Debuggers like Pivotal Tracker

Optimize your images.

optimize for small size images
Slow Website Troubleshooting - 6 Practical Tips to Fix Issue 7

First and foremost, you want to make sure that your images are optimized for the best possible display on a web page. There are two main ways of doing this:

Use the correct dimensions for each image format. For example, if you have an image that is 400 pixels wide and 300 pixels high (and no aspect ratio), then it will be displayed in its original size when uploaded as an image file online; however, if you choose another dimension such as 500 pixels wide and 200 pixels high (an aspect ratio of 1), then that same image can be resized down to fit within whatever width or height parameters specified by its creator/owner without losing any quality along the way!

This means that there’s no need for any unnecessary processing steps after upload time because everything about those files’ appearance hasn’t changed whatsoever—they’re still just as good looking whether viewed on desktop computers or mobile devices alike.”

Related Post :   How to Improve Web Page Speed – Test Conducted to See the Results (Case-Study)

Minimize redirects.

Redirects are a common cause of slow websites. If you have too many redirects, your site can become a huge burden on the browser and slow down page loads. This is because each request has to load all the different code that makes up your website before it can be displayed properly on the screen.

Redirects are usually caused by plugins or themes installed on WordPress sites, but some other code may also cause them (for example, if you’re using third-party advertising services). There are several ways to fix redirect issues:

  • Remove all unnecessary redirects from within WordPress’ settings panel; this will prevent any unnecessary requests from being made by plugin or theme developers who might not even realize they’re doing so!
  • Use Google Analytics to track how many users go through each page during testing sessions; this will give you an idea of where most users get stuck during loading times (and thus help identify why).
minimize redirects
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Leverage browser caching (via plugins).

Browser caching is a feature of your browser that stores previously viewed webpages in the cache, so they can be loaded quickly. If you’re using a computer with enough RAM and CPU power, it’s possible to have multiple websites open at once without loading the page again entirely. This improves the performance of your site by reducing load time and increasing speed while browsing. However, there are some downsides to using browser caching:

  • Your cache may not be updated frequently enough if you have lots of pages cached in it; this could result in outdated content being displayed on your site as well as missing data from recently changed pages (e.g., if someone updated their profile information).
  • If you don’t clear out old saved versions regularly (or at all), then there will eventually become too many cached versions for any given set of visitors’ browsers—meaning only one version gets used when someone visits again! This can cause errors when trying
Related Post :   Case Study - Influence of Wordpress Plugins on Website Speed

Consider switching hosts.

If your website is still struggling to load, it could be due to a host’s overloaded servers. You can check this by checking whether the host is oversold and/or if they’re using shared resources.

HostArmada and DreamHost are good hosting services which I have used for more than 6 years. The technical support is good and also fast response times. The type of server also plays a major role in speed. LiteSpeed technologies with quic.cloud can reduce TTFB times.

If you’re running on a cloud platform like Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Services (AWS), then check their SLA (Service Level Agreement) policies and see if they meet your needs or not.

If not, then consider moving somewhere else where their SLA will work better for you—this can save money since most providers have free tiers that allow users access until certain limits are reached before charging them more money per month based on usage levels experienced during those periods of time during which these services aren’t being used at full capacity because there aren’t enough resources available within those boundaries (i

Slow websites can be a big issue but there are ways to diagnose and fix the problem

Slow websites can be a big issue but there are ways to diagnose and fix the problem.

Slow websites can impact user experience, SEO rankings, conversion rates, your reputation and more. This can mean lost business for you or even worse – a negative impact on your brand as well! In this article we’ll go over what causes slow loading speeds on websites so you know how to tackle it at the source:


We hope you found this article helpful. If you have any other tips for diagnosing slow websites, please share them in the comments section below!

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