Important task related to DreamHost hosting is to have the right DNS records. Once you point the nameservers to DreamHost, add domain and hosting, the DNS records are filled automatically. For a variety of reasons, you would like to know the DNS records of your domain in DreamHost hosting.

One such case is usage of Cloudflare CDN. If you are using another hosting like SiteGround or Bluehost, then the DNS records are populated with their hosting IPs. Now if you want to point your Cloudflare nameserver to DreamHost servers, then you can delete the site and add it again.

But the propagation will take some time. Instead you can just change the DNS records in Cloudflare. In this way you can save some time and it is very easy.

DreamHost change nameservers if you have upgraded to DreamPress or any other host.

How to Access DreamHost DNS Records?

In the DreamHost panel dashboard, go to the following path.

  1. Websites > Manage Websites > DNS
  2. Domains > Manage Domainsdreamhost dns records 1

You can see all the domains on the right hand side. Below the domain, click on DNS.

A new page will open.  All the DNS records are mentioned here. These include the A, MX, CNAME, TXT, SRV, NS.

DreamHost A record is the most useful one to enter in CDN.

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DreamHost DNS Records - How to Find Them? 4

Based on your CDN requirement you have to copy these IPs for the respective DNS records and paste the values. It will take some time for DNSĀ  propagation. DreamHost nameservers are 3. You can enter them in your domain registrar like GoDaddy, etc.

Related Post :   How to Create Users in DreamHost - Domain, Account, Database

To know the complete details of DreamHost web hosting and its truthful facts on speed, control panel etc, read my review here.

DNS Checker

If you get DreamHost DNS not propagating, then you can use this tool. About the records you can see the DNS Checker option. If you click it, a map will display if the domain DNS records are propagated over the whole world. Otherwise, you can click the Refresh DNS button. It is as a last resort if the DNS propagation has not taken place even after 48 hours.

dreamhost dns checker
DreamHost DNS Records - How to Find Them? 5

FAQ – DreamHost DNS Records

How do I add DNS records to DreamHost?

Point your nameserver to DreamHost. Once you add the domain and hosting to DreamHost, DNS records are automatically populated. Otherwise, use the DNS settings mentioned above to add any other records. If you have deleted any standard DNS records, then you can contact customer support.

Is DreamHost a DNS provider?

Yes, DreamHost is a hosting service. So it will include the A, CNAME, TXT etc records. All these records have some values like IPs, text content, keys etc.

What are DreamHost’s nameservers?

The following are for the DreamHost shared hosting plan.

If you have any problems with DreamHost’s nameservers, then you can contact customer support for IPs.

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